John C. Knapp, Ph.D., is the 13th president of Washington & Jefferson College, 美国最古老最杰出的文理学院之一, founded in 1781. 他同时也是学院哲学系的宗教教授.

Dr. Knapp

Dr. Knapp是一位国际知名的作家和演说家,在教育领域具有领导经验, non-profit, and business sectors. Prior to joining W&2017年,他担任密歇根州霍兰德市霍普学院(Hope College)院长., 他在哪里领导制定和实施十年策略计划,以提高学术质素, campus diversity, employee development, and post-graduation outcomes for students.

Previously, 他是桑福德大学弗朗西丝·马林·曼伦理与det365app的创始主任, 兼任大学教授,并被聘为教授. 他指导了一系列的项目,并支持艺术学校的教学和奖学金, arts and sciences, business, divinity, education, law, nursing and pharmacy.

Before joining Samford, Dr. 纳普曾担任乔治亚州立大学J. Mack Robinson College of Business. 该中心于1993年在他的领导下成立,作为独立的南方商业与职业道德研究所, 为寻求在组织中加强道德和诚信的领导者提供领先的高管教育资源. His programs were attended by more than 20,来自数百家公司的000名高管和经理, governmental agencies, non-profits and professional firms.

Dr. 纳普的文科教育理念延伸到他对多样性和包容性的重视. At Hope College, 他在哪里实现了增加学生多样性的年度目标,同时提高了新入学班级的学术形象, he was respected by the college’s students, 表彰教师和校友培养包容的文化, respect and support, 尤其是对来自代表性不足群体的学生和员工. While in Atlanta, 他创立并领导了多元化管理网络, a five-year, 由赠款资助的财团,包括该地区40多家最大雇主的领导人. 2013年,他的多元化倡议在伯明翰获得了城市联盟多元文化友谊奖, Ala.

Dr. Knapp speaking

As a leader among his peers in higher education, Dr. 纳普是牛津全球高等教育秘密会议的主席, 每年在英国牛津大学举行的学院和大学校长的聚会. 他还曾两次担任《det365app》总裁委员会主席, 由私立大学校长组成的代表小组,与本报的高等教育记者会面,就院校和行业面临的问题进行背景讨论. In addition, 他是独立学院理事会的董事会成员, 美国独立学院和大学校长协会, Clemson University’s Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, 以及宾夕法尼亚大学文科联合会, among several other higher education associations.

Dr. 纳普的奖学金包括许多文章和五本书, 包括三卷本的《det365app》. His work as a scholar was recognized in 2009 when he was named a fellow of the Caux Round Table; in 2007 with his induction into the Martin Luther King Jr. International Collegium of Scholars at Morehouse College; in 2001 with the Georgia Governor's Award in the Humanities; and in 1995 with Columbia Theological Seminary’s Florrie Wilkes Sanders Prize in Theology. 2013年,霍普学院授予他荣誉文学博士学位.

在职业生涯早期,他曾担任亚特兰大一家企业通信公司的总裁十多年. During this time, Atlanta Business Chronicle twice recognized him as the region’s leading crisis management consultant; Business Atlanta (now Georgia Trend) selected him for its list of the “40 Under 40” successful young executives; and Outstanding Atlanta Foundation named him one of the “Ten Outstanding Young People of Atlanta.”

Dr. 纳普在威尔士大学获得神学和宗教研究的哲学博士学位, United Kingdom. In 2022, the University chose Dr. 纳普作为过去200年的200名杰出校友之一被收录在庆祝200周年的短篇传记中, or bicentenary, of the university’s historic Lampeter campus. Dr. Knapp's biography is listed on the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David website under "Academia."

Dr. Knapp also holds a Master of Arts degree in theological studies at Columbia Theological Seminary; and a Bachelor of Science degree in urban life with a concentration in communication at Georgia State University. 他和妻子凯利育有五个成年子女:阿曼达、特蕾西、查理、玛丽和罗恩. They have six grandchildren.