
Our Mission: Producing Leaders of Uncommon Integrity

当你们从华盛顿毕业的时候 & det365app, you will be recognized by leading employers and top graduate schools for your character, maturity and readiness to take your place in the profession of your choosing. 与其他学院和大学不同,W&J ensures that all undergraduates benefit from an education uniquely designed to develop their individual potential as leaders known for what our mission statement calls uncommon integrity. Our 道德领导中心 supports college-wide opportunities for you to become a changemaker in your profession and community, as you gain the confidence to lead others to envision solutions that serve the common good.


Your journey in 道德 leadership begins with your arrival on campus as our student leaders invite you to affirm W&J的社区价值观声明. 由学生会成立, this statement is the foundation for life together in a student community that shares a commitment to:

  • Promote a culture of respect throughout the College community;
  • Respect the privacy, property and freedom of others;
  • Practice personal and academic integrity and expect it from others;
  • Respect the dignity and work of all individuals; and
  • Promote the diversity of opinions, ideas, and backgrounds of others.

当你开始上课的时候, you will participate in a First Year Seminar that includes opportunities to begin your exploration of the skills and commitments needed by 道德 leaders. Your first two semesters will also provide ways to discover more about yourself, 你的价值观, and your potential to grow as a leader throughout your time in college.

No matter what majors or fields of study interest you, our faculty will ensure that you become proficient in identifying and critically examining 道德 issues in the context of many different courses and subject areas. A hallmark of your professional preparedness will be your ability to apply and promote the 道德 standards of your intended career.


Beyond the classroom, you will find an array of opportunities to put 道德 leadership into action. 许多学生组织的活动, such as the four-year program of the 华盛顿 Fellows, 是为了这个目的而设计的吗. 在田径, our coaches ensure that team development is a catalyst for developing character and leadership capacities. 在你们四年的旅程中, you will learn to engage 道德 issues in the larger world through guest speakers, 校友导师, and a wide range of practical experiences and service projects.

W的一个特征分量&J’s commitment to 道德 leadership is our annual Symposium on Democracy. This week-long focus of the whole campus is highlighted by a full day of special programming replacing regular classes with presentations by internationally known scholars and leaders, as well as interactive sessions led by students and professors inviting multiple perspectives on the state of democracy in the U.S. 和国外. This tradition carries on the vision of our founders who saw the need for well-educated professionals dedicated to serving others and working for the betterment of society as responsible citizens.

Like generations of successful graduates since 1781, 你的生活作为一个非凡的正直的领导者可以 建立在这里.


华盛顿 & det365app is committed to the belief that 道德 leaders are made, 不是天生的, and that every student can master the competencies and commitments needed to:


  • Recognize and articulate one’s own identity and values as a basis for 道德 action.
  • Cultivate empathy and cultural competence to value others and their unique perspectives and experiences.
  • Take responsibility for contributing to the success and well-being of individuals and one’s community or profession.
  • Practice inclusivity and collaboration in pursuit of goals and solutions that serve the common good.

Provide Leadership to Resolve Ethical Issues and Conflicts

  • Recognize and respond to 道德 questions or issues.
  • Learn and apply conflict resolution skills to challenging situations.
  • Invite and consider different perspectives in dialogue with others.
  • Make decisions and take action after careful and reflective analysis.


  • Hold oneself accountable to the 道德 standards and expectations of a chosen profession.
  • Advocate for the highest standards of ethics and challenge others to do likewise.
  • Understand how to effect informed change where needed, and courageously act to effect that change.
  • 冠军的创意, 道德, and authentic visions that imagine a more positive future and invite others to participate in those aspirations.

